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The Spirit Jezebel . . .


  • Uses people to accomplish its agenda

  • Withholds information

  • Talks in confusion

  • Functions subtlety but deceptively

  • Is empowered by the abdication of an Ahab

  • Lies

  • Ignores people

  • Criticizes  

  • Moves in one-upmanship

  • Is secretive

  • Is insubordinate

  • Spiritualizes everything

  • Is pushy and domineering

  • Is Clairvoyant – having or claiming to have the power to see in the Spirit beyond anything that is meaningful.

  • Uses the element of surprise

  • Sows seeds of discord

  • Commands attention

  • Is vengeful

  • Undermines

  • Insinuates disapproval

  • Is a “Know It All”

  • Is ambitious

  • Gift giving

  • Is independent to the point of rebellion

  • Brings confusion into the room

  • Makes a god of itself

  • Seeks to separate you from God

  • Moves heavily in personal prophecy to gain trust

  • Accepts responsibility for nothing

  • Is unreasonable

  • Never is there a confession of guilt, contrition, sorrow, true remorse or repentance

  • Cannot take correction, because all correction is taken as rejection

  • Will often claim to have been spiritually abused by those in authority

  • Attempts to make you look like you are a Jezebel – especially if you have accused them of being one

  • Has no conscience

  • Often counter attacks with all out wrath

  • Sometimes vulgar and lewd

  • Believe they are immune to sin and deception, because of their “spiritual maturity” 

  • Believe they are highly favored and chosen for some high place or position

  • Often shuts down the flow of the Holy Spirit in the room

  • Feel they “know more than anybody else,” therefore they dominate conversations   

  • Uses talking as a form of control  

  • Makes a person unteachable

  • Is full of ego

  • Is envious

  • Is doubleminded

  • Is often very religious

  • Respects neither males nor females

  • Will feign friendship and/or love to get close to someone if it suits its purposes

  • Hates the Children of God


Anybody is capable of being just about any of these things at one time or another, but if someone is carrying a bunch of them there is a good chance they are also carrying a Jezebel spirit.



The Freedom Outpost

Kim M. Johnson

Witchcraft Release Prayer


“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you.”  Deut. 18:10-14


September, 2021


Heavenly Father, I, _______________, love you and I will serve you and you alone. 


Satan, I say to you, your time is done in my life; your assignment is broken!

In the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of his shed blood, I repent of, and renounce, all contact with witchcraft and the occult, willingly or in ignorance, known or unknown, by myself or by anyone else on my behalf.  I repent of, and renounce, all contact with witchcraft and the occult by my ancestors back to the beginning of time.  I renounce all divination and witchcraft as an abomination to God in accordance with Deuteronomy 18: 10 – 17.


I break all agreements, all pacts, all contracts and all deals made with Satan either by me, or anyone else on my behalf.  I repent of and renounce all involvement with any and all forms of Satanism.


I renounce all talking to the dead and consulting with the dead which is described as the sin of Necromancy in Deuteronomy 18:17, and I renounce the kissing of dead loved ones and any evil spirit that may have transferred to me from this practice.  I renounce all guidance by familiar or family spirits, especially spirits posing as children, spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents or godparents, or any other dead relative, friend or pet.


I repent of and renounce all sacrifices, including blood sacrifices, both, animal or human, either made by me, or anyone else on my behalf.  I repent of, renounce and break all blood oaths, blood vows and blood covenants ever spoken or made over me, either by me, or anyone else on my behalf.


I repent of, renounce and break the effects of every witchcraft curse, spoken or unspoken, either by me, or anyone else on my behalf, both on my mother’s side and on my father’s side back to the beginning of time.  I repent of, renounce and break the effects of every hex and vex, and all chants, spells, vows, covenants, incantations, conjurations, and trances, and all witchcraft and its effects over my life, including the effects of all Freemasonry, ever spoken over me or celebrated over me, either by me, or anyone else on my behalf, or that has come down through my blood line.  I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all doctrines of demons off of my life in Jesus’ mighty name.


I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all spells, songs, chants, incantations, prayers or mantras involved in the worshipping or calling of any dark, evil or demonic spirits.  I forgive and renounce the praying of any witchcraft prayers over me by anyone.  In the future I will listen to no spirit other than the Spirit of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.


I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all involvement with: Ouija Boards, all Psychic Readings, Eight Balls, Séances, Tea leaf reading, Astrology, Horoscopes, Birth Signs, Star Signs, Zodiac Signs, Fortunetelling, ESP, Automatic handwriting, Handwriting Analysis, Chain Letters, Channeling, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Color Therapy, Crystal balls, Crystals, Runes, Fetishes, Déjà vu, Divining Rods, Dowsing, Eastern Meditation, Fire Walking, Hallucinogenic Drugs, Heavy Metal Music, Hexagrams, Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis, Idols, Iridology, Levitation, Mediums, Mesmerism, Metaphysics, Mind Control; Mind Reading, Numerology, Occult Literature, Omens, Palm Readers, Parapsychology, Pendulums, Psychic Healing, Psychometry, Punk Rock Music, Pyramid Power, Rebirthing, Reiki, Silva Mind Control, Sorcery, Spells, Superstitions, Tarot Cards, Telepathy, the Third eye, Trances, T. M., and UFO’s, either by me, or anyone else on my behalf. 


I repent of and renounce any spiritual powers I’ve given to any material or physical object like crystals, charms, talisman, amulets, ankhs or other pagan,

witchcraft, or occult objects.  I will burn any objects in my possession which connect me to the sins of idolatry, witchcraft & the occult including objects worn as jewelry for good luck or protection, and all objects of superstition.  I renounce the effects that any of these objects have had on me in Jesus’ name. 


I plead the cleansing blood of Jesus from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.


I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all involvement with: Out of body experiences, Astral Projection, Soul Travel, Spirit Guides, Animal Guides, Channeling, Indian rites, Indian rituals, and all Satanic rites, rituals and ceremonies, all Witch Doctors, Sorcery, Santeria, Island Witchcraft, Indian Witchcraft, Celtic and Druid Witchcraft, Wizardry, Voodoo and Reincar-nation, either by myself, or anyone else in my life on my behalf.  I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all involvement with: Black Magic, Red Magic, White Magic, Yoga either by me, or anyone else on my behalf.  I repent of, renounce and break the effects of all involvement with: Wicca, any Pagan rites and rituals, the Kabbala, Karma, New Age, Healing Arts, and Martial Arts, either by myself, or anyone else in my life on my behalf.


I repent of, and renounce the watching of all demonic films, all horror films, all films about witchcraft and the occult, and any and all films with extremely violent themes or scenes, or with scenes portraying graphic violence or injury to human beings or animals, or scenes portraying psychological abuse or violence.  I also repent of and renounce the watching of any and all pornographic films.  I also repent of and renounce the reading of any witchcraft or occult books, or books with horror themes, or books portraying psychological abuse or violence.  I ask forgiveness and break the effects of all of these movies or books over my senses, particularly my eyes, my mind, my emotions, my memories and my physical body.


I repent of, and renounce the playing of all demonic games, video games, card games or role playing games about witchcraft and the occult, and any video games with extremely violent themes or scenes, or with scenes portraying graphic violence or injury to human beings or animals, or scenes portraying psychological abuse or violence.  I ask forgiveness and break the effects of all of these games over my senses, particularly my eyes, my mind, my emotions, my memories, and my physical body.


I repent for walking in agreement with and renounce all the fears that have held me and my ancestors in Idolatry and witchcraft, especially the fear of death, fear of spirits, fear of man and fear of trusting in Jesus’ name.  Heavenly Father, I confess, repent of, and renounce any and all forms of idolatry or self-idolatry that I or my family have ever walked in. 


Heavenly Father, I confess, repent of, and renounce all forms of witchcraft and for walking in agreement with any form of rebellion, because according to 1 Samuel 15:23, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”  I forgive anyone else for partnering with spirits of witchcraft and rebellion on my behalf. 


Heavenly Father, I confess, repent of, and renounce all forms of witchcraft in the form of control, manipulation, intimidation and domination in the mighty Name of Jesus.  I forgive anyone else for partnering with control, manipulation, intimidation and domination on my behalf in the mighty Name of Jesus.


Heavenly Father, I confess, repent of, and renounce all forms of deception and craftiness, either by me, or anyone else on my behalf. 


I repent of and renounce any and all agreement with any power of seduction that would allow me to manipulate and control through sex, emotions, deception, flattery, disunity and/or religiosity.  I also repent for ever having allowed myself to be seduced, manipulated or controlled through sex, emotions, deception, flattery, disunity, and/or religiosity.


I repent for the sins of my forefathers and foremothers and their involvement in any of the above witchcraft or occult activities.  I renounce all of it and I break the Curse of Witchcraft that has been brought upon me and my family bloodline because of what they have done, in the Name and Authority of Jesus.  I specifically forgive any of my forefathers and foremothers or anyone else for ever participating in any form of Divination on my behalf, and I utterly renounce  all of it and break the Curse of Divination over me and my family bloodline in the Name and Authority of Jesus.


I renounce all of these practices and ask that you cleanse me from all sin and curses that have come upon me and my blood line because of any witchcraft or occult practices. 


I now declare that as a blood bought child of the King that I will walk in a spirit of freedom, peace, integrity, and honesty, in the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.



Kim M. Johnson

The Freedom Outpost


PO Box 2800

Valdosta, GA 31604


T  /  229-300-0884

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