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Are you 'all in?'

We’re into the 3rd biblical month now and it is anchored by the feast of Pentecost when the voice and revelation of God breaks over Israel at Mt. Sinai and the tangible Presence of the Holy Spirit breaks out over the followers of Jesus on Mt. Zion. (How can you NOT celebrate that?!)

But for some reason God's been directing me to look at the first 5 verses of Ezek. 47. What is stirs up is this big question that arises before us all and before The Bride is this: How deep will you go? Will you risk greater immersion into the Revelation and the Presence and the Power of God or will an 'ankle-deep-dip' satisfy us?

We’re supposed to be the Bride of Christ but then we hold back for fear of loss of control – fear of our reputations – fear of sticking out – of being seen as ‘one of the those’ crazies, one of those ‘holy-rolly’ folks, etc., etc.

So we play it safe. We go and get our feet wet at a church service, shake our feet dry and go out looking, acting, sounding like everyone else in the world. There's no change - no transformation. We get a little 'God-hit' just to feel good about our devotion and off we go.

But look at this image from this blog because this is God's heart: The Bride with The Groom – fully immerged in the water of the Spirit. She’s all in. She meets him there and He meets her. It’s a prophetic image of the heart and intent of God for this season, this time, and this month we're in.

Read Ezek. 47:1-5. Ask God to show you how deep you’re going each week. Prepare your heart and mind to celebrate Pentecost and stay aligned in God's calendar. God keeps this appointed times. He ALWAYS does.

As for me and my house – we want IN the river. Ankle deep, knee deep, and waist deep just ain't getting it done any more. How about you? Want more?

Jump in, wade in, back in, waddle in, crawl in….however you need to get there. Call out to God and he'll help you get there.

Just get in – all in.

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