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Things are SHIFTING!

We've been moved into a different perspective about this - like the guy above being lowered onto the Deck from above. Crazy perspective.

Was good to be back with everyone again at The Deck. Hard to compress what we talked about last night. You might have to at least 'dip' into the audio. God is moving us all in this work of His into much more. Don't know how that all works - timing, etc. But it's moving.


The parable/model God has given to us to birth of the 'heir-craft carrier, we're now to steward to get out to the Church and it's already going world wide. I never would have thought that but having already received requests from leaders in Mongolia and Romania (who were present for the teaching at the international conference in Corinth, Texas,) has shown me that I greatly underestimated the power of this Word.

Slide3.GIF've all sown into the germination of this word - by prayer and support. Well done! Thank you. How crazy that a seed sown in Valdosta Georgia would begin to shift things on the other side of the world. (There's sort of a verse for that, by the way....'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?')

And now it needs to keep moving - local, regional, national and beyond. Please pray for wisdom in all of this. Stewardship just means 'watching over' - not controlling. Thankfully, this is God's word and work. We get to be involved only as long as he says and then release it for the next assignment.


I hope to have a link for the video of the conference presentation sometime over the next 10 days. We'll get that set up and shoot it to you.

In the meanwhile....See what God says is your part in all of this. You were a part of the 'birthing process' so what's next and how will God engage you in it?

Also: Mark your calendars for August 26 - We're going to be back out at Moody Air Force base to host an airman dinner.

Next week: First Fruits and briefing for the new month of Tammuz!

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