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A month of confrontation...What's in, will out.

Moses and Aaron: Two brothers, two environments, two reactions, and two outcomes.

One confronts, one conforms.

One intercedes, one intermingles.

One gets heaven's blueprint, one gets hell's manifestation.

Interesting distinctions given that both moved in signs and wonders, saw the power of God, and were called to lead and connect the people to God.

The difference was face-time: 40 days to simmer. A demonstration that we become what we behold.

Both get directives for the creation of 'tangibles' that would link and trigger worship.

But one comes by committee; one by revelation.

The response of each springs from the heart: What's in comes out.

Andrew Wommack is right: We don't have to be in 'deliberate sin' to have our hearts hardened.

It's simply a matter of attention: We soften to what we attend - we harden to what we ignore.

Aaron was to bring the people before the Presence of the Lord by bearing their names on his shoulders and their judgment on his heart.

He was called to bear them but instead he buried them.

This isn't just about's about us: WE are a 'royal priesthood.'

So, in this new biblical month, questions to ponder:

  • Who has the lion-share of our face time?

  • How is that softening/hardening us to the things of God and the opinions of others?

  • Is the structure we're in a 'means to an end' or an end in and of itself?

  • Are we willing to 'confront' God in intercession and people in conversation?

  • Do we bear the privilege and responsibility as a royal priest or a royal pain?

  • Whom do we bear on our shoulders and hold by our hearts before the Presence of the Lord?

Watch the replay. Engage creation. Worship the King.

Find ways to attend and soften to the things of God in the midst of the din that demands your attention.


​See the full replay, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.

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