In a Narrow Place? Get the Traveler's Guide

The process forward for both our Savior and our salvation involved intense narrows. Our sanctification does as well. Narrows are key to transform us from glory-to-glory. Why, then, are they such a challenge to move through and to navigate well?

In the biblical calendar we're in the narrow place that hangs between two of the greatest temptations all believers face. Many scriptures speak into the critical place of narrows: the eye of the needle; the narrow way; pressed but not crushed - to name but a few. The narrows are used by God to bring these powerful realities to pass:
Weight Loss
New Wine
A view of the destination ahead

There are realities about narrows that should not be ignored:
They cannot be avoided but they can be aborted.
They cannot be rushed but they can be needlessly extended. ​
They cannot be pain free but they can bring great freedom.

Last night we dug into these things and then explored strategies for getting through the narrows:
Burn your claim checks
Deploy the Stockdale Paradox
Lose unnecessary weight
Avoid new whine
Why butterflies are buff
And more.
The principles we learn now we need keep before us throughout the year. Watch. Learn. Release what was. Lose the weight. Taste the wine. Accelerate. And transition into your next adventure. Stephen Replay of A Traveler's Guide Through the Narrows, click here.