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BAM! The Spark Flies!

We prefer light to break open big but gently - like a warm and wonderful sunrise.

This month God reminds us that He also uses increasing pressure and heat until the Spark flies - and light is set in place.

Yet there is another challenge: Time.

We want that breaking-of-the-dawn-everything-is-light-right-away experience.

Instead, God creates a pregnant pause - that time delay between when the Spark is set and the full manifestation of it appears.

Nehemiah got this. The Spark was set in him this very month, but it was nine months before the wall was manifest.

Mary experienced this also in this month when The Spark was set within her - though full manifestation would have to wait.

Judah Maccabees walked this as well, in the wait and warfare between the time rebellion sparked and the Temple was cleansed and rededicated at Hanukkah.

What about us? Are we willing to allow the Holy Spirit to set a new Spark growing in us?

Likely, it will break forth in the midst of darkness, from pressures and intensity, and it will seem small and faint at the start.

But for those willing to receive and hold onto that new thing, something amazing will fully manifest in time.

Much more on the replay, including more on Hanukkah and Thanksgiving with implications for us in this season.

For now, take heart: This is a time of the Spark breaking forth out of darkness.

The full ramifications of what He starts are ALWAYS astounding.

So open up, let Him break it open in you.


Replay of this teaching on YouTube.

Replay of this entire Flight Deck on Facebook.



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