Behold! He Makes All Things New! (Even You)
We love the thought of a new beginning like a mighty seedling rising up fresh, dripped in dew, and bathed by the sun.
Less so, the thought of the blood and bewilderment of a newborn who was pushed and pulled into his 'fresh start.'
Yet both are indicative of experiences that are part and parcel of entering into the new.
As we enter God's 8th month and its link to new beginnings, He speaks both confident hope AND a 'heads up' about the processes to get us there.
Self Imposed constraints of resentment, offence, entitlement, and comfort can disrupt, delay or completely derail the process.
If we want to enter the new, we must submit to His process to deal with the old, familiar, and resistant in order to get there.
But remember: Your new beginning is HIS idea and desire.
Yes, there are fresh battles for those beginnings and it can be messy.
But He is with you and will get you there.
Behold! He makes all things NEW!
Align in this time for His design and let it break open in you.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.