Five Keys for More Life

Oh, Lord. I am dying for life!
God: 'Ah... Now you get it.'
We have a deep hunger for more of His Life, yet the only to walk in more is by dying.

To understand 'dying' is critical in this season of war so we know how to rightly engage the battle.
The Rev 12 strategy to overcome is not 2 parts but 3: By the Blood, the word of testimony, and dying. ('Not loving their lives unto death.')

Last night we covered 5 keys so we grasp how all this works to walk in more life and not fall into some form of nihilism or legalism.
For instance: When we take up our cross and die to whatever, THAT is the moment of victory.

Why? Because 'AT THAT MOMENT' of dying, Jesus triumphed over His foes by the Cross and made a public spectacle of them.
He didn't go on a break for 3 days: He raided hell and the grave BEFORE resurrecting.

Yet it is crucial to remember that dying is not the end: It's means to the end - MORE LIFE.
Some become so obsessed with NOT being, that they no longer carry THE BEING: Too much with death that they do not burst over with life.
Paul was clear: We carry the death of Jesus so that the Life of Jesus is manifest.
Watch the replay. Get more on these 5 keys. Allow the Spirit to show what needs to go.
I believe the Lord gave us this phrase to highlight BOTH the hunger we must have for Life AND the means by which it is released.
Oh, Lord! I am dying for life!
God: Yes! Yes, indeed!
And I am watching over my Word to see it comes to pass.
Replay of this Deck word is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.
Reminder: Return of The Chiefs Event is this Wednesday. Details below.
