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Good News: You Are Being Hunted. "Weaponize" PS23

For all the omnipresence of GPS in the culture, it's amazing just how many people are lost.

Complexity of times necessitates simplified orientation: Post-modern times need ancient pathways.

For many believers, Psalm 23 functions a bit like a nursery rhyme: Good at bedtimes and for comfort with all its sweetness and light but not much deep meat for meditation.

Time to break that lie and weaponize PS23 for 2023.

Just a couple of points from last night.

This year will be one of intensifying warfare BUT that means there is even greater grace available in that warfare.

So, His choice location for your banquet table will be in the presence of your enemies, in the midst of the fight.

Will you train yourself to watch for it?

The note this: PS23 does NOT actually say that His Goodness and Lovingkindness will follow you. (Like some lackadaisical puppy.)

It says that they will aggressively pursue, chase, hunt you down to overtake you.

Knowing that is true, will you stop long enough (and often enough) to let them jump you?

So MUCH more to this Word! Make time to immerse yourself in all He's provided.

PS23 is a big, bold, brawny, fully loaded (but not fully automatic,) 50 cal weapon God sets before us.

It's not fully automatic for we must become intimate with all it says, all He promises, all that we are, and all that He will do.

Then we can deploy it consistently and walk the 'ancient path, the good way.'

Remember that you ARE being hunted by His Goodness and Lovingkindness and part of that Mercy is that you grasp PS23.

It ain't no nursery rhyme: It's fully loaded.

Time to take the safety off.


PS: As I mentioned, Ruthie and Billy Joe Young are taking another group to Israel in Oct. If you'd like more information, clip here.

Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.


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