Is There a Veil In Your Soul?
Last night we saw how the tabernacle on the Day of Atonement powerfully demonstrated Jesus' role as high priest, sacrifice, scapegoat, and the veil.
Scripture tells us that our bodies are tabernacles of the Spirit. So where is the altar? The 'Holy of Holies?'
And, is there a 'veil?'
When Christ died, the veil was torn top to bottom: But in the depths of our being (our soul) have we stitched it up again and formed another veil that inhibits our full union with Him?
Drawing from the parable of the sower, we looked at how God still flings His Kingdom Seed on our soul-soils with mixed results.
The fact of the matter is that we all have parts of our souls that have become hard, shallow, or cluttered.
And all too often, they re-form a veil that keeps us from full frontal exposure to the dazzling, dangerous, and pregnant Presence of God.
That 'veil' MUST be addressed by soil type.
It MUST be torn top to bottom so we rightly behold the glory of the Lord.
So we are continually transformed from glory to glory..
We are in a season of mighty exploits and we are to move in all the supernatural gifts that God releases.
It is, therefore, all the more imperative that we address our soul-life.
That way His demonstrations of power through us will rightly reflect His character in us.
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