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Power THROUGH Your Narrows

A fighter pilot strolling around has a whole lot of freedom of movement, but very little power.

Yet when she's crammed into the narrow space of an F18 cockpit, now that's a whole other matter. 

The Red Sea Narrows saved and transported Israel and then crushed Pharaoh. 

Jonah's 3 day belly-stay saved him from his own stupidity and transported him to his assignment.   

Last night at The Deck we looked at the narrows of Moses, Gideon, Joab, David, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, and Paul.

Each and every time, there were blessings, anointings, deliverance, promotions, and power that came THROUGH those narrows.  

Those narrows were the very places and means by which God did amazing things through them and for them.

In fact, He would NOT act, bless, deliver, promote, empower, etc. UNTIL those narrows were entered and engaged.  

What narrows are you in right now? Tightness of circumstance, finance, time, or what?    

If your focus is simply on those constraints, it's likely you are missing the divine interventions and resources that are at hand.

Resources that you could not engage until you were in those narrows.

Watch the replay - you'll see it's true.

We are like those fighter pilots: When we submit to sit in the right seat then those narrow confines provide a powerful means to position us, strengthen us, and overcome the enemy.   

There is power THROUGH your narrows... now! 



Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook



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