PREPARE to Enter the Open Door of '84

Q: Do you want to stay spiritually and emotionally right where you are, in the same dynamics, with the same struggles, and the hangover from your last battle?
Yeah - Thought not.
Prepare to ascend and move through the open door.

Last night prophet Penny Gibbs bought a word both tough and tender to WAKE US UP so we prepare and anticipate the new season of 5784.
This is a time to shake off the effects of any 'stun grenade' that the enemy threw when we tried to advance.

The King is in YOUR Field with His tools and there are things to address or destroy so you can keep moving.
Yet, have no fear in this process for GRACE waits for you over your threshold.
Watch the replay, understand this time of preparation and anticipate the new year we're about to enter.
PREPARE to enter the open door.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.