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Reframe Your Question: War with the Prophetic Perfect of His Promise

Joshua's encounter with the Angel of the Lord happened this month as a massive recalibration in how to occupy the Promise. (Joshua 5/6)

As we cross over to take over, the principles and lessons are for us today, if we have ears to hear.

Like Joshua, we assume that the question is whether God is with us in the battle we're waging.

Reframe the question: What is HIS battle and how do we align with HIS objectives and HIS strategy for victory?

We must grasp that the promise we lay hold of is in the prophetic perfect: That it is future AND has been given, accomplished, done.

The variable? Our absolute obedience to the apparent craziness of His directives.

(You want us to parade around this 'Fort Knox' 13 times and do what?)

As with Joshua, it is in His Presence as we worship that our question gets reframed.

It is there we come into complete, overwhelming, and unequivocal submission to Him.

It is from that place we receive the full download - the strategy and battle plan for our part in the acquisition of that promise.

We move from reposing faith to reckoning faith to risking faith - for each one builds upon the next. Each one requires the next.

The prophetic perfect of His Promise is before you right now.

Reframe your question.

Recalibrate your mindset.

Get His strategy.

War to fully occupy what is already yours.


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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