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Slow Your Core to the Speed of LIGHT

The faster life spins around us, the more we must slow our core to the speed of Light. 

His Light in us is not hurried but aligned to pace with Him.  

Recent science found that the core of the world, which used to spin faster than the surface of the earth, has slowed down and is now moving in the opposite direction.  

That is a sign for us: That we be not conformed to the pattern/pace of this world but slow our core until it moves contrary to the 'spin' out there. 

And note: This does not mean that we're not busy.  The earth's core has shifted but the physical world still spins at 1,000 mph.

Jesus was busy, but never hurried: Rather He moved at the speed of Light and not by demands around Him. 

What is in that core of yours? 

Most believers have no real conception or experience of the Glory, brilliant Light, and stunning radiance housed within them by the Spirit. 

You do.

And that Glory is increasing more and more everyday as you behold Him.

Attend to your core. Slow it down. 

He's there. He's not hurried. 

And zeal for that house still consumes Him. 

Move at the speed of His Light.

Then radiate that Light into this frenetic world.  


Replay of this Deck Word is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.

References made in this word:

 The One Minute Pause App - for Android.  For iPhone.



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