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The Core of Joy: Open Our Eyes WIDE, Lord!

There are times when the Lord releases a word and we feel the weight and significance of it, though we do not yet grasp it.  

This is one of those times.

He released a download about the 'core of joy,' and the clarifying paradigm shift in how it is linked to eyes WIDE open. 

That our perception can become such that we discern all things resolving across time, in a manner in which He does. 

To discern the supernatural in the natural, the end from the beginning, the good arising from the crazy, and how He moves things on task, on time, and on His trajectory.

Joy is the supernatural byproduct of seeing in this way. 

Yet we, like Elisha's servant, need prayer to open our eyes to see what is really there. (2 Kg 6)

And like the blind man in Mark 8, it is a process. 

JOY is a perspective and framework; it is night vision and sees true colors; it is a state of rest in the totality of Who He IS, and who we are in Him. 

Joy is knowing in our knower, slowing down, becoming aware of abiding, and seeing that the earth IS filled with His Glory.

Watch the replay. It's only about 30 minutes, (shock!) but it's chock full of insight. 

Open your eyes WIDE to the core of joy


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.



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