The Promises of God Are Going to the Dogs
God is calling up the Company of Calebs.
Those of a different spirit with whole hearts, right perspectives, and the tenacity to endure the stupid and lay hold of the promise like a dog with a bone.
Last night at The Deck, we dug into the characteristics of Caleb, whose Hebrew name means 'dog.'
We looked not only at his stand on the day of the refusal, but on his declarations, demands, and actions 45 years later.
These same traits are forming in the Company of Calebs that God is raising up for such a time as this.
These speak truth to power without compromise; serve with whole, not fractured hearts; see the field of battle as God does; and fight with the strength to war as His gift.
And like Caleb, they understand that this is a generational dynamic.
They call up, challenge, impart, enable, empower, and resource the next generation - while they battle.
For The Kingdom is advancing quickly now, and all are needed on the field.
Watch the replay and allow the Spirit to imprint Caleb on your character.
For indeed, the promises of God are going to the 'dogs.'
Those like Caleb who will not relent and never let go of the bone.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.