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Your Battlefield Ready Checklist

Unlike large parts of the church, you know you're in a war both within and without.

You also know that it must be engaged with the right weapons at the right time.

But just how well informed, equipped, trained and capable are you to advance? To help others?

Last night Kim Johnson walked us through a spiritual warfare briefing that served as a checklist to be sure you're prepared.

Some may be obvious to you, some not even on your radar.

All are important and we dare not become complacent in our regular deployment of each part of the armor and weaponry He provides.

Kim reminded us of the danger when we allow the 'flea bites' of the daily grind to be tolerated as a kind of background noise that is unavoidable and tolerable.

Likewise if we make the mistake of misreading our own woundedness and bad choices as a spiritual attack, we repent and go after the healing and deliverance we need.

Our faith walk is not all sweetness and light as some like to hope.

Remember, 'You can’t bring warm, soft, chocolate chip cookies to a gun fight and expect to win.'*

Watch the replay and make your own battlefield-ready checklist.

Kingdoms are clashing and casualties follow.

You have a key role and there are others who need you to take your stand in the battle.


*Bill Johnson

Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube. (Note: First few minutes had audio challenges. Hang in there- it will clear.)

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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